- Author By rjhsgeorgiae1
- Publication date October 25, 2023
- Categories: Hanga | Create
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More than a hundred years ago on his fatal expedition to the South Pole Robert Falcon Scott and his unlucky team discovered the very first fossils in Antarctica while trekking over the Transantarctic Mountains.
The rocky remains hinted at much warmer past for the frozen continent and more finds since have revealed Antarctica was once covered in dense forest inhabited by all kinds of plants and animals – including dinosaurs.
One of the members of the latest expedition to dig for fossils in the deep south was Australian paleontologist Steven Salisbury from the University of Queensland.
Cryolophosaurus at Auckland Museum Photo: Auckland Museum CC BY
More than a hundred years ago on his fatal expedition to the South Pole Robert Falcon Scott and his unlucky team discovered the very first fossils in Antarctica while trekking over the Transantarctic Mountains.
The rocky remains hinted at much warmer past for the frozen continent and more finds since have revealed Antarctica was once covered in dense forest inhabited by all kinds of plants and animals – including dinosaurs.
One of the members of the latest expedition to dig for fossils in the deep south was Australian paleontologist Steven Salisbury from the University of Queensland.
Most of the rocks there that have produced dinosaurs on the peninsula are between 71 and 66 million years old, so at the very end of the age of dinosaurs. Things that have been found down there that give us a bit of insight into the dinosaur fauna from that part of the world, include a very nice partial skeleton of an armoured dinosaur, a type of dinosaur. There’s been two or three different types of small two-legged plant-eating dinosaurs called Ornithopods, so about the size of a kangaroo and probably similar body proportions. And a couple of bits of Theropods. Meat-eating dinosaurs. There was a nice partial skeleton found in about 2005/2004. And one bone from a Sauropod dinosaur. One of those big long-necked, long-tailed plant eaters. And that’s pretty much it. Other than the birds and obviously birds being dinosaurs, we can’t rule them out of the whole thing. But most people are really interested in the non-avian dinosaurs and of course that’s what we’re into as well.
Around 1830 there were about 300 Pakeha living in New Zealand and at least 100,000 Maori.Trade had grown between visiting whaling ships and Maori-in return for goods such as muskets or iron tools Maori provided food,water and firewood.Maori became valued as crews on board whaling ships,and began to travel the world.In 1796 a Maori pilot was recorded working in Rio De Janeiro on the British whaler mermaid.Shore whaling stations began and some European Whalers married Maori women.Europeans lived under tribal authority.
The day everything i wrote came to life
My name is John campus.
Anyways i’m writing this story to tell you about what happened in 1982 ;by the way this is now 2006 so 24 years ago.
Its May 15th on a Tuesday 1982 i was finishing my book called my little evil unicorn just wrote the last word which was the end and then.I heard one of my books fall off the case it was the evil doll and it escaped out of its locked box.I went crazy and searched for it everywhere about 2 minutes later i heard something…or someone…maybe it was the doll i ran to the kitchen and you won’t believe what i saw… IT WAS THE DOLL HOLDING A KNIFE.I ran out of the house as fast as i could.I ran down the street telling everyone to run to town the came flying out of there house. Finally we got to town, all hiding in the nearby high school.We all were terrified. All you could hear was screaming!,screaming!!,screaming!!!!!.I went back to my house to see where the doll was. It was walking down the hall singing lalalalala in a very creepy voice.Letting all of my friends out of the books well ex friends the ones I made in 1952.But what happened next is what I will never forgive slappy let out the giant adorable monkey.You might think it’s adorable but what it can do is terrifying.Its reads your mind finds what you love and destroy it.So im not going near that but then behind me I heard loud footstep banging on the floor I turned around.But before i could some cold snowman…
Kia ora ko te wiki tuawhitu kei roto i te ruma 5 no reira ko taku mohio mo tenei wiki.
it is week 7 in room 5 so this is my keeping clever for this week.

Kia Ora tangata
This is some of my work.
Once upon a time there were three sisters walking along then they came to a stop.
There’s a river but no bridge the sisters were stuck then out of nowhere something appears.But they don’t know what it is then it starts to speak *you get one wish each*
The oldest sister went first *I wish for a wand as strong as any other* then the thing said it’s name my name is…Death.The middle and the youngest child we’re scared the oldest not so much then death makes a wand out of an jungle tree near by.The oldest walks to her sisters standing there and with her wand she makes a bridge the oldest sister says bye to here sisters and leaves to a nearby village.Now it’s the middle sisters turn she asks for
a special rose perfume that whenever she sprays it they die so death grabs a rose that is right next to her and smashes it, puts it in a bottle and water and there was her perfume.She says goodbye to the youngest and sets off on an adventure.”Now says death”.
The youngest sister named Emma stood still silently looking at death.I wonder what she was going to ask for.Was she going to ask for something powerful.Did she want anything at all. Maybe she wanted a little pony.(Emma)”Death can I have… a unicorn”
You should of seen his face he was shocked that all she wanted was a unicorn.Death flys and grabs cloud from the sky took a piece of pink chalk and smashed it and mixed it in the cloud and added some body parts and unicorn pop out.Yay Emma yells she is so happy.
Now it will go thank you death:she flys away,yells thank you and vanishes.The oldest sister Olivia was at the village then she saw her worst enemy brittney why was she her worst enemy well.
Tadaaaaaa and done